Gabriel Josipovici
©2001,2002, 2007
Adapted and enlarged from the original compiled by
Monika Fludernik
for her
Echoes and Mirrorings: Gabriel Josipovici's Creative Oeuvre
Frankfurt & New York, Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2000
Softcover edition ISBN 3631362757
available from the publisher

Short stories & collections
Theatre, radio & television plays, films
Non-fiction books & essays
Interviews & statements
Poetological Statements
Critical Monographs

Dates for manuscripts or composition are given according to the following sources:
cv = information taken from Josipovici's curriculum vitae
Gallagher = correspondence with Bernard Gallagher
GJ 1989 = Gabriel Josipovici's entry to Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series, vol.8, 1989
Josipovici = personal communication by the author
Mepham = Mepham 1996 in Contemporary Novelists
Pernot = as quoted in Pernot 1994
Playback = bibliography appended to the printed text of the radio play Playback, Comparative Criticism 14, ed. E.S. Shaffer, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, 170.


Mr Isosceles the King. [unpublished] first novel. children's book.

The Inventory. London: Joseph, 1968. Repr. Steps (1990).

Words. London: Gollancz, 1971.

The Present. London: Gollancz, 1975.

Migrations. Hassocks, Sussex: Harvester Press, 1977.

The Echo Chamber. Brighton: Harvester Press, 1980.

The Air We Breathe. Brighton: Harvester Press, 1981. Repr. Steps (1990).

Conversations in Another Room. London: Methuen, 1984.

Conversazioni in un'altra stanza. Trans. Vera Selvago. Postfazione di Gianni Celati. Trento: Reverdito, 1987. [Italian translation]

Contre-Jour: A Triptych After Pierre Bonnard. Manchester: Carcanet, 1986. Reprint paperback 1998

Contre-Jour: Triptyche d'apr`s Pierre Bonnard. Trans. Alain Bony. Paris: Gallimard, 1989. [French translation]

I Motljus: En Triptyk efter Pierre Bonnard. Trans. Thomas Andersson. Stockholm: Lyth & Co., 1996. [Swedish translation]

Distances. In In the Fertile Land. Manchester: Carcanet, 1987. 116-212.

The Big Glass. Manchester: Carcanet, 1991.

In a Hotel Garden. Manchester: Carcanet, 1993. New York: New Directions, 1995 [Paperback edition].

Moo Pak. Manchester: Carcanet, 1994.

Now. Manchester: Carcanet, 1998.

            Jetzt. Trans. Gerd Haffmans. Zurich: Haffmans, 2000.

            Catalan translation forthcoming. Barcelona: de la Magrana.

Goldberg: Variations. Manchester, Carcanet Press, 2002.

"Mr Pope's Homer" [1998]. Comparative Criticism 20 (1998): 217-21. [Extract from Goldberg: Variations, called Figures on a Ground before publication.]

Everything Passes, Manchester, Carcanet Press, 2006.

After and Making Mistakes, Manchester, Carcanet Press, 2009.

Only Joking, published in German as Nur ein Scherz, Frankfurt am Main, Zweitausendeins, 2005.

Only Joking [in English], London, CB Editions, 2010.

Short Stories


Mobius the Stripper: Stories and Short Plays. London: Gollancz, 1974.

Four Stories. London: Menard Press, 1977.

In the Fertile Land. Manchester: Carcanet, 1987.

            Trans. forthcoming. Paris: Esprit des Peninsules.

Steps: Selected Fiction and Drama. Manchester: Carcanet, 1990.

Heart's Wings & other Stories, Manchester, Carcanet, 2010.

Individual Stories

"Absence and Echo" [1980]. Jewish Perspectives. 25 Years of Modern Jewish Writing. A Jewish Quarterly Anthology. Ed. Jacob Sonntag. London: Secker & Warburg, 1980. 198-201. Repr. In the Fertile Land (1987): 35-9.

"The Agent" [1972] Penguin Modern Stories, 12. Ed. Judith Burnley. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972. 111-17. [no reprint]

"The Bird Cage" [1982]. Broadcast BBC Radio 3, 8 August 1982; read by Rosalind Shanks. In the Fertile Land (1987): 31-4. Repr. Steps (1990): 235-8.

"The Bitter End" [1983]. Broadcast BBC Radio 3, 30 July 1983. Twenty Stories: A South East Arts Collection. Ed. Francis King. London: Secker & Warburg, 1985. 11-22. Repr. In the Fertile Land (1987): 103-14.

"Brothers" [1983]. The Jewish Quarterly 30.4 (= no. 112), 1983: 68-9. Trans. Alain Bony "Deux Fr`res" La Nouvelle Revue Fran!aise no. 356 (September 1982): 171-75. Repr. In the Fertile Land (1987): 27-30. Dramatization: Kin.

"Can More Be Done?" [1992]. God. An Anthology of Fiction. Eds. Stephen Hayward and Sarah Lefanu. London: Serpent's Tail, 1992. 81-97.

"A Changeable Report" [1982]. Broadcast BBC Radio 3, August 1983 [no precise date available]. Read by Paul Scofield. Performed by Nick Woodeson at Stratford (the Other Place) [no further details available]. Shakespeare Stories. Ed. Giles Gordon. London: Hamish Hamilton: 64-9. Repr. In the Fertile Land (1987): 45-50. Repr. Steps (1990): 239-44.

"Children's Games" [1984]. P.E.N. New Fiction I. Ed. Peter Ackroyd. London: Quartet Books, 1984. 243-6.  [no reprint]

"Children's Voices" [1980]. Stand 21.1 (1980): 18-20. Repr. In the Fertile Land (1987): 41-4.

"Colourings" [1974?]. Mobius the Stripper (1974): 37-51.

"Contiguities" [1975]: Beyond the Words: Eleven Writers in Search of a New Fiction. Ed. Giles Gordon. London: Hutchinson, 1975. 189-199. Repr. Four Stories (1977): 7-17.

"The Death of the Word" [1976]. Broadcast on BBC Radio 3, October 29, 1976. Printed Matter 16.3 (1992): 33-8. Repr. Four Stories (1977): 19-25. Repr. Steps (1990): 245-51.

"Exile" [1984]. Comparative Criticism. An annual journal. Volume 6. Ed. E.S. Shaffer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 275-9Repr. In the Fertile Land (1987): 97-101.

"Fuga" [1984]. The Jewish Quarterly 31.3-4 (=no. 115-116), 1984: 53-4. Repr. In the Fertile Land (1987): 51-4.

"Geheimnisse" [1994?]. No English printing. German translation only available. Goldblatt und Silberwurzel. Alte und neue Baummrchen aus aller Welt. Munich: Sanssouci/Hanser, 1994. 124-7.

"Getting Better" [1982?]. Broadcast BBC Radio3, 7 August 1982. Quarto: The Literary Review no. 51 (September 1982): 46-7. Repr. The Jewish Quarterly 30.1-2 [no. 109-110] (1982): 51-3. Repr. In the Fertile Land (1987): 81-8.

"Goldberg" [1989]. The London Magazine 29.1-2 (April/May 1989): 22-32. Repr. Best Short Stories 1990. Eds. Giles Gordon and David Hughes. London: Heinemann, 1990. 134-44. Repr. The Minerva Book of Short Stories 3. Eds. Giles Gordon and David Hughes. London: Mandarin Paperbacks, 1991. 134-44. [Extract of Divisions on a Ground]

"The Hand of God" [1996]. The Slow Mirror and Other Stories. New Fiction by Jewish Writers. Ed. Sonja Lyndon and Sylvia Paskin. Nottingham: Five Leaves Publications, 1996. 81-9.

"Heart's Wings" (2000) Ovid Metamorphosed. Ed. Philip Terry. London: Chatto & Windus. 197-205.

"He" (1977): Four Stories (1977): 35-45. Repr. In the Fertile Land (1987): 63-75.

"In the Fertile Land" [1979]: P.N. Review 6.3 (= no. 11), 1979: 44. Trans. "Au pays de la fertilit." Trans. Alain Bony. La nouvelle Revue Fran!aise no. 356 (September 1982): 166-7. Trans. "Nella terra fertile" in Traversate del deserto. Antologia di scritture indicative. Eds. I Figli del deserto, Fusignano, Ravenna. Ravenna: Edizioni Essegi, 1986. 17-18. Repr. In the Fertile Land (1987): 61-2. Repr. Steps (1990): 372-3.

"It Isn't as if it Wasn't" [1974?]. Mobius the Stripper (1974): 30-6.

"Little Words" [1974?]. Mobius the Stripper (1974): 22-9.

"Memories of a Mirrored Room in Hamburg" [1980]. New Stories 5. Eds. Susan Hill and Isabel Quigly. London: Hutchinson, 1980. 114-17. Repr. In the Fertile Land (1987): 23-6.

"Mobius the Stripper" [1972]. Penguin Modern Stories 12. Ed. Judith Burnley. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972. 89-110. Repr. Mobius the Stripper (1974). Repr. Steps (1990): 133-52.

"A Modern Fairytale" [1992]. Caught in a Story. Contemporary Fairytales and Fables. Eds. Christine Park and Caroline Heaton. London: Vintage, 1992. 1-8.

"La mort des images" [1993]. [Part of Moo Pak] Trans. Alain Bony. Europe: revue littraire mensuelle. Grand-Bretagne 71 (= no. 768), April 1993: 90-1.

"Mr Pope's Homer" [1998]. Comparative Criticism 20 (1998): 217-21. [Extract from Divisions on a Ground]

"The Principle of Order" [1987]. P.N. Review 14.2 (1987): 44-5. [about artist Joseph Cornell]

"The Reconstruction" [1974?]. Repr. Mobius the Stripper (1974): 92-128.

"Refuse" [1974]. Stories 9. Ed. Alan Ross. London: London Magazine Editions, 1974. 125-143. Repr. The London Magazine 14.3 (1974): 43-61. Repr. Mobius the Stripper (1974): 129-49.

"The Road" [1954]. The Victorian Cairo (June 1954): 43.

"Seascape with Figures" [1973-74]. ADAM [=Arts Drama Architecture Music] International Review 39 (= no. 379-84), 1973-74: 65-73. Repr. Mobius the Stripper (1974): 52-63.

"Second Person Looking Out" [1976]. New Stories I. Eds. Margaret Drabble and Charles Osborne. London: The Arts Council of Great Britain, 1976. 200-205. Trans. Jean-Michel Rabat, 'Deuxi`me personne & la fenÆtre' suivi de 'Introduction & Maurice Blanchot.' Dijon: Ulysse Fin de si`cle, 1988. Repr. Four Stories (1977): 27-33.

"Steps" [1981]. The London Review of Books 3.22-23 (3-16 Dec 1981): 30-1. Repr. In the Fertile Land (1987): 89-96. Repr. Steps (1990): 363-9.

"That Which is Hidden is That Which is Shown; That Which is Shown is That Which is Hidden" [1980]. The London Review of Books 2.22 (20 November - 3 December, 1980): 17. Trans. Alain Bony "Ce qui se cache est ce qui se montre; ce qui se montre est ce qui se cache." La nouvelle Revue Fran!aise no. 356 (September 1982): 168-70. Repr. In the Fertile Land (1987): 59-60. Repr. Steps (1990): 370-1.

"This" [1972]. Transatlantic Review no. 44 (Autumn-Winter 1972): 49-53. Repr. Mobius the Stripper (1974): 86-91. Repr. Steps (1990): 128-32.

"The Voices" [1972]. Penguin Modern Stories 12. Ed. Judith Burnley. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972. 118-30. Repr. Mobius the Stripper (1974): 9-21. Repr. Steps (1990): 117-27.

"Volume IV, pp. 167-9" [1984]. Comparative Criticism. An annual journal. Volume 6. Ed. E.S. Shaffer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984. 274-5. Repr. In the Fertile Land (1987): 77-9. Repr. Steps (1990): 361-2.

"Waiting" [1980]. Quarto no.7 (June 1980): 20. Repr. In the Fertile Land (1987): 55-8.

One. 1969
Evidence of Intimacy. 1970.
Comedy. 1971.
Dreams of Mrs Fraser. 1972.
Flow. 1973.
Echo. 1975
Two. 1976.
Marathon. 1977.
Deep Water. 1978.
Vergil Dying. 1978.
A Moment. 1979.

A Changeable Report [?]. Same as short story (1982). Performed Nick Woodeson, Stratford, The Other Place, 1986.

Comedy [1971]. Produced Gardner Centre, University of Sussex, 12-14 July 1971. Dir. John McKay.

Deep Water [1978]. Commissioned for Brighton Festival and produced by Brighton Actors' Workshop, 12 May 1978. Dir. Bernard Gallagher.

Distances [?] Very similar to novel (1987). Two manuscripts (different versions). One manuscript has two Acts of 76 scenes. The second manuscript has four Acts with 79 scenes.

Dreams of Mrs Fraser [1971]. Performed at the Theatre Upstairs, Royal Court, 4 August 1972. Dir. Roger Croucher. Produced later that year at the Derby Playhouse [Josipovici]. Produced also at Cockpit Theatre (London NW8 8EH), Mon 13 - Thu 16 January 1975, and Sat 18 January 1975 [together with Echo]. Printed: ADAM [=Arts Drama Architecture Music] International Review 37 (=no. 366), 1972: 84-96. Repr. Mobius the Stripper (1974): 158-76. Repr. Steps: 155-73.

Echo [1974 Ä cited sic in Four Stories, p. 47]. Produced at Cockpit Theatre (London NW8 8EH), Mon 13 - Thu 16 January 1975, and Sat 18 January 1975 [together with Dreams of Mrs Fraser]. Also produced Paradise Foundry, 10 June 1975. [According to GJ 1989 there was a production at the ICA Gallery in London in 1975. According to Mepham the play was printed in Proteus 3 (1978), but it is not actually printed in that journal and I could not trace a printing elsewhere.]
Evidence of Intimacy [1970]. Sunday Times Student Drama Award 1971-72. Produced Gardner Centre, University of Sussex, 1 December 1970 [GJ 1989 mistakenly has 1969]. Dir. Jeremy Lane. Produced also at Soho Poly (London W1), September 26 - October 14, 1972.

Flow [1973]. Performed by the Actors' Company at the Royal Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh, 3 September 1973 and as part of the same tour at the Shaw Theatre. Dir. Edward Petherbridge. Printed Mobius the Stripper (1974): 177-99. Repr. Steps: 174-94.

Love [?]. Manuscript. Adaptation of Marguerite Duras' novel L'amour (1971). Date of composition not ascertainable. The adaptation is for "stage or film."

Marathon [1975 Ä Pernot]. Commissioned for the Brighton Festival and produced by Brighton Actors' Workshop, 10 May 1977. [GJ 1989 has a production at the Marlborough Theatre Brighton, 976.] Dir. Bernard Gallagher. Produced also at the ICA Gallery in London in August 1977. Printed Proteus: A Magazine of the Arts from the Open University no.3 (June 1978): 90-105.

Mobius the Stripper [?]. [Adaptation of short story] Produced at Hull University. Dir. Anthony Minghella [Gallagher]. No date for this performance.

A Moment [1979]. Commissioned by the National Theatre. Produced at the Brighton Festival by the Brighton Actors' Workshop in the spring of 1979. Dir. Jeremy Lane. Produced also London, National Theatre Platform (Lyttleton), 29 October 1979. Dir. John Russell Brown. Produced also at The Arts Centre, Hors~ham, Sussex, Friday 30 November 1979. Broadcast BBC Radio 3, 5 April 1980. Dir. Liane Aukin. Printed: ADAM [=Arts Drama Architecture Music] International Review 42 (=no. 428), 1980: 17-39.Nobody There [1977]. Performed Brighton Actors' Workshop, January 1978 [Gallagher]. Broadcast BBC Radio 3, 1 October 1978. Dir. Liane Aukin. Transmitted again BBC Radio 3, 19 January 1979. Read by Ben Kingsley. Printed South East Arts Review, 1977 [apparently incorrect citation, not retrievable in this journal].

No On [1981]. Adaptation of short story "The Reconstruction." Two different versions in manuscript. Performed Brighton Actors' Workshop, November 1981. Dir. Jeremy Lane.

One [1969 Ä cited thus p. 47 of Four Stories]. Produced by Nick Woodeson at Gardner Centre Theatre of Sussex University, 1970 [information by Nick Woodeson]. Ditto October 1976 and later in Brighton in February 1977. [Double bill with Two]. Printed: Mobius the Stripper (1974): 153-7.

Private Enterprise [1991]. No production. Printed in So Very English. A Serpent's Tail Compilation. d. Marsha Rowe. London: Serpent's Tail, 1991. 120-31.

The Twittering Machine [?]. Manuscript. No date. [version of Comedy]

Two [1976]. Manuscript. Performed by Brighton Actors' Workshop at the Gardner Centre Theatre of Sussex University in October 1976. Second performance in Brighton in February 1977. [Double bill with One]

Vergil Dying [1978]. Broadcast BBC Radio 3, 21 November 1978 and 29 March 1979. South East Arts Prize 1978. Printed as monograph Vergil Dying. Windsor: SPAN. The Windsor Arts Council Press, 1981. Repr. Steps (1990): 195-231.

Radio Plays
Playback. 1973.
A Life. 1973.
AG. 1976.
Nobody There. 1978.
A Moment. 1980.
Majorana. 1981.
The Seven. 1981/1983?
Kin. 1983.
Metamorphosis. 1985.
Ode to St Cecilia. 1986.
Mr Vee. 1988.
Memorials of L.S. 1989.
A Little Personal Pocket Requiem. 1990.

AG [1976 Ä Mepham; 1977 Ä cv and GJ 1989]. Radio adaptation of Aischylos' Agamemnon. Broadcast BBC Radio 3, 14 November 1976. Dir. John Theocharis. Entry for Italia Prize, 1977.

Goldberg [?]. Not produced. No manuscript available. [Cited by Hubert von Bech~tols~heim. Based on the short story "Goldberg" (1989).

Kin [1983]. Broadcast BBC Radio 3, 17 May 1983. Dir. John Theocharis. [Adaptation of "Brothers" for the radio.]

A Life [1973. Date given incorrectly as 1974 in Four Stories, p. 47; in GJ 1989; and in Mepham]. Broadcast BBC Radio 3, 12 November 1973. Dir. Guy Vaesen.

A Little Personal Pocket Requiem [1990]. Broadcast BBC Radio 3, 10 July 1990. Dir. John Theocharis.

Majorana. Disappearance of a Physicist [1981]. Radio adaptation of Leonardo Sciascia, La Scomparsa di Majorana. Written in cooperation with Sacha Rabinovitch [Gabriel Josipovici's mother]. Broadcast BBC Radio 3, September 1981 [Playback]. Dir. Richard Keen. According to transcript transmitted 13 December 1981.

Memorials of L.S.[Leo Sawyer] [1989 Ä cv]. Broadcast RIAS Berlin, July 1990. Dir. Robert Mateijka.

Metamorphosis [1985]. Radio adaptation of Franz Kafka's Die Verwandlung. Broadcast BBC Radio 3, 10 February 1985. Dir. John Theocharis.

Mr Vee [1988]. [GJ 1989 and cv give 1989 as date]. Society of Authors Award for Best Original Script, 1988. BBC entry for Italia Prize, 1989 [cv]. Shortlisted for the SONY Radio Awards 1989. Broadcast BBC Radio 3, 10 November 1988. Dir. John Theocharis. Printed The Tel-Aviv Review 3 (Winter 1991): 246-65.

The Museum of Forgetfulness (1994?). Manuscript.

Ode to Saint Cecilia [1986]. Broadcast BBC Radio 4, 27 and 28 May 1986, 5 June 1986. With Frances Barber and Tim Woodward. Dir. John Theocharis.Playback [1972 Ä cv; 1973 given as date in Playback and Mepham]. Broadcast BBC Radio 3, 30 January 1973. Dir. Guy Vaesen. Printed: Comparative Criticism. An annual journal. Volume 14. Ed. E.S. Shaffer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. 153-70.

The Present [1977]. Adaptation of the novel The Present (1975). Transmitted BBC Radio 3, 10 April 1977. Dir. Guy Vaesen.

The Seven/Seven Against Thebes [1981]. No copy available to me. With Jonathan Harvey. Broadcast BBC Radio 3, 14 December 1981. Dir. John Theocharis.  [Information on this play is extremely inconsistent. Playback has 14 December 1981, but as title Seven Against Thebes; cv gives 1987; GJ 1989 has 1984; Mepham has The Seven and 1983.]

Words [1973]. Adaptation of the novel Words (1971). Transmitted BBC Radio 3, 22 May 1973. Dir. uy Vaesen.

German Radio Broadcasts
Information on German broadcasts are quoted by courtesy of Hubert von Bech~tols~heim]

"Brothers": Bröder. BR 1989.

A Little Personal Pocket Requiem: Ein kleines persönliches Taschenrequiem: RIAS 1992; DLR 1996; RAI 1997.

A Life: Ein Leben. NDR 1992.

Memorials of L.S.: Nachruf auf L.S. RIAS 1990 (produced), dir. Robert Mateijka, first broadcast 1 March, 1991; DLR Berlin 1988; SWR 1999.

The Present: Das Zimmer. WDR 1979.

Mr Vee: Mr Vee. NDR 1990; DLR Kln 1994.

Vergil Dying: Virgil Stirbt. RIAS 1992; DLR Kln 1995.

Television Plays & Films

Love [?]. Adaptation for stage or film from Marguerite Duras' novel L'amour (1971). Date of composition not ascertainable.

Many Little Lies 1987]. With Geoff Dunlop. Originally called P.B.: A Film. [a dramatization of the novel Contre-Jour (1986)]



A Study in Hysteria

The Viewer

[No scripts or dates are available for these four television plays]


The Book of God: A Response to the Bible. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1988.

A Life: Sacha Rabinovitch 1910-1995. London Magazine Editions, 2001.

Published extracts:
"A Life. Sacha Rabinovitch (1910-1996)." The Jewish Quarterly 45.4 (=no. 172), Winter 1998/1999: 26-9.

"Nice, 1943." London Magazine 38.17-18 (August/September 1999): 84-8.

"A Life (Chapters from a biography)." The Jerusalem Review (Tel Aviv) 1998-99: 106-22.

Criticism: Monographs

The World and the Book: A Study of Modern Fiction (1971). London: Macmillan /Stanford: Stanford University Press. Second edition, 1979. Third edition 1994.

The Lessons of Modernism and Other Essays. London: Macmillan, 1977.

Writing and the Body: The Northcliffe Lectures 1981. Brighton: Harvester, 1982. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1983.

The Mirror of Criticism: Selected Reviews 1977-1982. Brighton: Harvester Press, 1983.

The Book of God: A Response to the Bible. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1988.

Spanish translation: El libro de Dios. Trans. Juan Andrés Iglesias. Barcelona: Herder, 1995.

Text and Voice. Manchester: Carcanet, 1992.

Touch. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1996.

Spanish translation: La terapia de la distancia. Trans. Carlos Gardini. Santiago de Chile: Andrés Bello, 1998.

On Trust. Art and the Temptations of Suspicion. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999

Spanish translation: Confianza o sospecha. Trans. José Adrián Vitier. Madrid: Turner-Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2002. Review in El Mercurio (Chile) by Patricio Tapia.

The Singer on the Shore: Essays 1991-2004, Manchester, Carcanet Press, 2006.

What Ever Happened to Modernism?, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2010.


(1976) Ed. The Modern English Novel. London: Open Books.

(1982) Ed. The Sirens' Song: Selected Essays of Maurice Blanchot. Trans. Sacha Rabinovitch. Brighton: Harvester Press.

Selected Essays

"Letter to the Editor." Beyond the Words. Eleven Writers in Search of a New Fiction. (1975) Ed. Giles Gordon. London: Hutchinson. 183-8.

"Georges Perec's Homage to Joyce (and Tradition)." (1985) Yearbook of English Studies 15: 179-200.

"Introduction." In: Aharon Appelfeld, The Retreat. (1985) Trans. Dalya Bilu. London: Quartet. 5-13.

"The Lessons of Modernism." The Lessons of Modernism. (1977) London: Macmillan. 109-23.

"Linearity and Fragmentation." The Lessons of Modernism. (1977) London: Macmillan. 124-39.

"Introduction." (1993) In: Aharon Appelfeld. The Age of Wonders [1981]. Trans. Dalya Bilu. Encounters. London: Quartet. No pagination.

"Four Quartets: A Commentary." (1992) P.N. Review 19.1: 44-51.

"Introduction." (1993) Franz Kafka. Collected Stories. Ed. Gabriel Josipovici. London: Everyman's Library. xiii-xxxvii.

"Saul Bellow at Eighty." (1994) Salmagundi 106-7: 54.

"Samuel Beckett: The Need to Fail." (1995) 8. From Orwell to Naipaul [1983: 164-74]. The New Pelican Guide to English Literature. Ed. Boris Ford. London: Penguin. 155-65.

"Truth and Beauty Buried Be: How Shakespeare's trust in his craft leads us through the modern world of suspicion." (1997) Times Literary Supplement no. 4943 (26 December, 1997): 12-15.

"Introduction." (1997) In: Samuel Beckett, Molloy. Malone Dies. The Unnamable. New York: Knopf/Everyman's Library. xi-xxxiv.

"The Poet, the Fathers and the Book: Claudel's return to tradition in his reading of the Bible." (1998) Times Literary Supplement no. 4984 (9 October, 1998): 6-7.

"Memory: Too Much/Too Little." (1999) The German/Jewish Dilemma. From the Enlightenment to the Shoah. Eds. Edward Timms and Andrea Hammel. Lampeter: Edwin Mellon Press. 317-27.

"It ain't necessarily so ..." (2000) Times Literary Supplement no. 5057 (3 March, 2000): 3-4.

Poetological Statements

"Getting it Right: True Confessions of an Experimentalist." BOOKS & bookmen no. 322 (July 1982): 5-7. Repr. as "Chapter 26. Conclusion. From the Other Side of the Fence; or, True Confessions of an Experimentalist." The Mirror of Criticism: Selected Reviews 1977-1982. Brighton: Harvester Press, 1983. 173-80.

"Vergil Dying." Virgil and his Influence. Bimillennial Studies. (1984) Ed. Charles Martindale. Bristol: Bristol University Press. 245-64.

"Music and Literary Form." Contemporary Music Review (1989) 5: 65-75.

"Writing, Reading, and the Study of Literature." (1989) New Literary History 21: 75-95.

"Four Words." P.N. Review (1991) 17.5: 36-9.

"Dejection" P.N. Review (1992) 18.5: 22-5.


Sharratt, Bernard (1975) "Gabriel Josipovici in Conversation with Bernard Sharratt." Orbit Arts Journal 1.11 (December 1975): 4-9.

Capitanchik, Maurice (1982) "Gabriel Josipovici in Interview." BOOKS & bookmen no. 319 (April 1982): 7-8.

Hyman, Timothy (1985) "Gabriel Josipovici in Conversation with Timothy Hyman." The Jewish Quarterly 32.4 (= no. 20): 46-50.

Thwaite, Mark, "Gabriel Josipovici," in Articles & Interviews, Ready Steady Book, March 14, 2006.

Signorelli, Michael, "An Interview: Gabriel Josipovici," Cruelest Month, February 26, 2007.

Herman, David, "Interview: Gabriel Josipovici," The Jewish Chronicle Online, September 2, 2010.

Bennetts, Russell, "Berfrois Interviews Gabariel Josipovici," Berfrois, October 29, 2010.

Jennings, Charles, "The Bedside Table Interview: Gabriel Josipovici," Horizon Review, Salt Publishing Company, Issue 5, undated.


anon. (1979) "Josipovici, Gabriel  1940-." Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current Authors and their Works 37-40. Ed. Ann Evory. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Inc., Book Tower. 281-2.

Berlins, Marcel (1975) "Book Prize Muddle as 'Winner' is Rejected." The Times (30 June, 1975): 1.

Canon, Linda, and Jay L. Halio (1983) "Gabriel Josipovici." Dictionary of Literary Biography 14.2: British Novelists Since 1960, Part II: H-Z. Ed. Jay L. Halio. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Company, Book Tower. 452-8.

Josipovici, Gabriel (1979) "My Egypt." The Jewish Quarterly 26.3-4 (=no. 97-98): 47-50.

Josipovici, Gabriel (1989) "Gabriel Josipovici  1940-." Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series 8. Ed. Mark Zadrozny. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Inc., Book Tower. 145-62.

Josipovici, Gabriel (1990) "Egypt and After." London Magazine 30.7-8 (October-November 1990): 38-65.

Josipovici, Gabriel (1990) "Paradoxes of Exile." European Judaism 23.1 (=no. 40): 7-11.

Josipovici, Gabriel (1992) "Absent Fathers." Fatherhood [1992]. Ed. Sean French. London: Virago, 1993. 37-53.

Josipovici, Gabriel (1993) "Going and Resting." Jewish Identity. Eds. David Theo Goldberg and Michael Krausz. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 309-21.

Josipovici, Gabriel (1999) "Nice, 1943." London Magazine (August/September 1999): 84-8.

Mepham, John (1996) "Josipovici, Gabriel (David)." Contemporary Novelists. Sixth edition. Ed. Susan Windisch Brown. New York: St. James Press. 550-1.

Critical monographs about Gabriel Josipovici

Fludernik, Monika, Echoes and Mirrorings: Gabriel Josipovici's Creative Oeuvre
Frankfurt & New York, Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2001
Review by William Baker, Northern Illinois University


Sunday Times Student Drama Award 1971-72. For Evidence of Intimacy (1970).

Somerset Maugham Award for Short Fiction 1975. For Mobius the Stripper [1974]. See Times (30 June, 1975): 1, "Book Prize 'Muddle' as Winner is Rejected."

South East Arts Prize 1978. For The Lessons of Modernism and Other Essays [1977].

Society of Authors Award for Best Original Script 1988. For Mr Vee.

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